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Justice Matters
By Jesse Stamm Greetings Digest readers. This time, Ted has requested that I comment on the current rules surrounding driving and consumption of drugs or medications. For the purposes of the Criminal Code and the Motor Vehicle Act, the two laws which govern driving in B.C., drugs used solely for recreational purposes, and drugs which […]
A Note From The Publisher
Ted Smith Time to get in the game, herb lovers! Seriously, if you believe cannabis should be legal then it is time for you to do something about it. Most people feel alienated from the political structures that created prohibition and are reluctant to become involved in letter writing campaigns, street rallies, or fundraising. Instead […]
The New War On Cannabis Edibles
THE NEW WAR ON EDIBLES, or HEY, HAVEN’T WE DONE THIS ALREADY? There was much to celebrate last fall when on September 8, 2016, the Victoria, BC City Council decided, by a vote one-short of unanimous, to grant licenses to the city’s cannabis dispensaries. One of the best-liked features of this decision was the Council’s […]