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Updates, Warnings and Suggestions # 47
Ted Smith On Jan 31, 2016, the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club will be celebrating its 20th anniversary with a potluck party to follow its Annual General Meeting. The organization has come a long way since those days, two decades ago, during which I was supplying cannabis products by delivering to patients from the van in […]
VCBC New Member Incentive Program
As of December 13th, our new member incentive program means that when a new patient joins the club and they acknowledge on their sign-up form who referred them to join, the member who referred the new patient (the referee) will get a $20 credit applied to their account, with a few stipulations. 1) Before the […]
The Early Exportation of Medical Ganja in Jamaica
The Historical Rastafari Settlement at Pinnacle This year commemorates the 60thanniversary of the strategic destruction of the historical Rastafari settlement at Pinnacle by the colonial state of Jamaica. In legal possession of nearly 500 acres of land accredited to him in 1939, the Honorable Leonard Percival Howell, the most influential leader of the early Rastafari […]