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Cannabis and The Tree of Life – Hempology 101 Textbook video

tree of life

By Ted Smith

In this short video I describe why i believe cannabis is the Tree of Life as referred to in the Bible.  If you would like to buy my book, HEMPOLOGY 101: THE HISTORY AND USES OF CANNABIS SATIVA please go to this link.  We are slowly creating videos to compliment the entire book.

The Tree of Life

One of the most intriguing questions many have of the Old Testament is: What exactly does it mean when the Book of Genesis refers to the Tree of Life?  Equally as interesting is the question: What is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Book of Genesis?  While there are many clues in the text, the exact plants mentioned remain a mystery, leaving Judeo-Christian theologists with little option but to say they are only symbolic.  However, once one considers cannabis as the very real plant being discussed, little doubt will remain that it is in fact the Tree of Life.

There is no doubt that the term, the Tree of Life, had many meanings in many different cultures throughout the world.  Indeed most large civilizations have included some form of worship of the Tree of Life in its religious practices and many of these societies have had little contact with cannabis.  Most scholars scoff at the suggestion cannabis was the Tree of Life in ancient times but the evidence to prove it was is growing and compelling.

Academics struggle identifying the Tree of Life as cannabis primarily because for the last 2,000 years Judeo-Christians have destroyed, suppressed or denied all information and evidence directly connecting the two.  However, as we gain a deeper understanding of the multitude of benefits the cannabis plant has for our health and wellbeing, while taking a deeper look into the meaning of the words and ideas contained in the Bible, a clear picture emerges.  In some sense, revealing the cannabis plant as the Tree of Life gives the Bible even more meaning and relevance.

For a full 2 hour explanation of the various references to cannabis contained throughout the Bible check out Chris Bennett’s video, Kaneh Bosm: The Hidden Story of Cannabis in the Old Testament.


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