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Margie’s Medicinal Cannabis
I had never heard of juvenile arthritis until one day when I was working at the VCBC; a very warm and friendly senior couple, Ian and Margie came through the doors. Right away, I noticed two bright, contagious smiles while I served them, delighted to hear them express how cannabis had saved their lives. Margie […]
After Prohibition We Will Still Need Cannabis Activists: Lessons From Colorado
We once had alcohol prohibition in North America. The arguments that promoted it are depressingly similar to those that maintain cannabis prohibition today. Both revolve around the notion that mind-altering plants harm children and families. But there, as they say, the similarity ends. Alcohol prohibition, for all its faults, was attended by widespread public dialogue. Moreover, it didn’t last long. Within half a generation, it was over and […]
By Kristen Mann Jack began life in New York State on June 18, 1939, two years after the criminalization of cannabis in America, and at the brink of the Second World War. Jack lead a fairly normal child- hood, however, he lost his father at the beginning of his adolescence. At 17, during the height of […]