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The Lift Cannabis Forum: Vancouver
By Owen Smith Cannabis Digest readers may have noticed that a good portion of my blogging over the last six months has included the tag “previously appeared at lift cannabis”. Lift is a website that helps patients to navigate the complexities of Canada’s medical marijuana regulations and gives patients a platform to explore and review […]
Trudeau’s Cannabis Task Force Report: Capacity and Taxation
(article previously posted at InsidetheJar) Capacity and Taxation: Tools of Control Travis Lane Part four in a series on the task force report. Many of the problematic recommendations in the report seem to stem from the desire for governmental market control, with a particular focus on influencing the end user. Where personal carry limits and fear […]
A Note From the UK Connection : Social clubs bringing acivists together
High everyone, from the UK to all CD readers! Noddy here with an update of what is going on in the cannabis move- ment this side of the pond. I also better take this opportunity to introduce myself a little bit,as some of you maybe wonder- ing who I am.I am a 42 year old […]