Editor’s anti-dote to the post holiday blues…political thoughts. By Judith Stamps Totally My Opinion: Conundrums To Consider For 2015. 1. This may well be the last issue of Cannabis Digest before the next Canadian federal election…if, that is, there is to be a spring election. Evidence for an early election: Conservative Senator Mike Duffy’s trial […]
Tag: Election
Group Fights for Patients in BC
BC Medical Cannabis Partners seek provincial program By Joy Davies “Don’t Kill My Family”. Those were the words on the sign that hung around David’s neck as he paced back and forth in the bitter cold rain on this Feb. morning, on the lawn of his Member of Parliament’s office. He joined the BC […]
Sensible BC Rollin’
Campaign kicking into high gear By Andrew Brown Since last Oct., Dana Larsen and the Sensible BC campaign—the voter initiative to effectively make cannabis possession the lowest police priority in B.C., with no money used to enforce the federal possession laws—have been touring throughout B.C. visiting dozens of communities from Northern B.C. to Vancouver […]
Obama Changes Tune
By M. Allister Greene In the Presidential Election of 2008, many cannabis using, and canna-friendly, voters elected Barrack Obama on the train of hope and change. Some of these voters expected an over-night reform of laws, and assumed that legalization of cannabis was soon to follow. Obama who has never really denied his use of […]
The Con(servatives) After the Election
By Amie Gravell The Conservative party of Canada spent the maximum amount of money that regulations allow to win the May 2 election. Twenty-one million dollars, it seems, is the cost of a majority government. So what has Mr. Harper done with his majority? Well, in the two months since the election, the government has […]
Issue 29 – Summer 2011
Contents Pot Laws Fall Updates, Warnings, Suggestions Editorials Big Names Say Drug War is Failure Post Election Canada Obama and Broken Promises Cannabis as Medicine Health Canada Pulls Plug on Growing Cannabis as Cancer Treatment 100 Mile House Hemp Marc Emery Update Internet Activism CannabisandCivilization/BeKind Treating Yourself Expo Team 420 Wordsearch / Comics