Judith Stamps For the cannabis/psychedelics culture of the 1960s and 70s, underground comics emerged as a new fusion of humour, social and political commentary, and comic art. Two of the best known examples are The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, drawn by Gilbert Shelton, and Harold Hedd, a creation of Vancouver BC based artist, Rand Holmes. […]
Tag: funny
The Cops Came Back
(sung to The Cat Came Back) By Carol Pudwell Our friend, Ted, had troubles with the law He was arrested one November for giving out some pot He tried and he tried to give cookies away He tried to give them out at the library that day But the cops showed up to […]
High Artists: The Hicks
By Andrew Brown They’re rude, crude, funny, and shocking—so offensive that the plug was pulled during a gig at a local gay bar. And they are proud of that. They are The Hicks, and indeed they are. Some folks just don’t enjoy satire on this level, and take it too much at face value, in […]