Liam McKnight is one of the many Canadians who benefit greatly from the use of extracted cannabis products. It was my honor to meet Liam and many other medical cannabis patients at the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa last weekend. The RvSmith extract trial that I recently brought to the Supreme Court of Canada has […]
Tag: gofundme
Cannabis Extract Trial Fundraising Update
(see the complete graphic at the bottom of the page) by Owen Smith On march 20th of this year the Supreme Court of Canada will hear our arguments for medical cannabis extracts. This challenge again in 2009 when I was arrested making a variety of edible and topical cannabis products. In 2012 we were successful […]
Making Concentrated Cannabis Oils
(Image: LiftBlog) By Owen Smith Last week i reported on the launch of the GoFundMe campaign for our Supreme Court challenge to legalize cannabis extracts. This will be the final showdown. The wording of the remedy from the BC Court of Appeal has left us asking a few questions, it suggested to our lawyer […]
John Conroy; Internet Activism and the Supreme Court GoFundMe (EP 011)
John Conroy: Master of the Courtroom; Cannabis Internet Activism; the Supreme Court Extract GoFundMe and more from the Cannabis Digest this week November 22nd – 28th, 2014 with Owen Smith Subscribe to the Youtube Channel! NOTES/LINKS Nov 22nd Al Graham John Conroy leads the MMAR Coalition Against Repeal that has saved patients […]
GoFundMe: Cannabis Oil to the Supreme Court of Canada
Goto the GOFUNDME page Extracted Cannabis oil should be available to Canadian Patients. Since I was arrested in 2009, I have led a constitutional challenge with Kirk Tousaw, Ted Smith and the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club for medical cannabis patients to use edible or topical products. We were successful in the BC Supreme Court, […]