By Owen Smith Criminal Trials or Clinical Trials In the previous edition, I pursued the historical records of medical cannabis use around the world. For much of its documented medical history cannabis preparations and applications have taken advantage of simple processes that separate the active chemicals (cannabinoids and terpenes) from the plant bulk. However, during […]
Tag: legalization
Phytocannabinoid Therapeutics
By Owen Smith The History of Cannabis Extraction In the previous edition, I took a close look at how whole plant cannabis acts synergistically with our body chemistry to benefit a wide range of conditions. Simple whole plant medical cannabis products, or phytocannabinoid therapeutics, are often more effective, less expensive, and harbour fewer negative […]
Latin America Says No To Drug War
By M. Allister Greene The tactics of the War on Drugs in Central and South America has formed a dust ring around it. But this dust is made up of blood, bones, drugs, money, and corruption. Many people from countries such as Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, El Salvador, and many other Latin American countries, met on […]
Obama Changes Tune
By M. Allister Greene In the Presidential Election of 2008, many cannabis using, and canna-friendly, voters elected Barrack Obama on the train of hope and change. Some of these voters expected an over-night reform of laws, and assumed that legalization of cannabis was soon to follow. Obama who has never really denied his use of […]
A Note From The Publisher
Ted Smith Time to get in the game, herb lovers! Seriously, if you believe cannabis should be legal then it is time for you to do something about it. Most people feel alienated from the political structures that created prohibition and are reluctant to become involved in letter writing campaigns, street rallies, or fundraising. Instead […]
The Votes For Cannabis Law Reform
Though Prop 19 didn’t pass, progress is still being made Stateside By M. Allister Greene In Nov. 2010, many voters went to their polls across the United States of America locking their arms with the somewhat faithful call for change. This was no different for many Cannabis supporters who wished to see reform in the […]
The Shake from the Smoke: A Catalyst for Change
By Allister Greene The shock waves have started. The epicenter is California, and though there is no surprise there, this is not an earthquake, this is a revolution, and this is legalization. In a very short time, all cannabis users, activists, and supporters worldwide, will be watching as Californians take to the busy ballot polls […]
Interview with: MP Dr. Keith Martin
Keith Martin discusses mandatory minimum sentences, medical marijuana, and party politics On May 29, Kristen Mann interviewed Hon. Dr. Keith Martin at the Backpacker’s Inn, in Victoria. Here is the transcription. Kristen Mann: Today we are sitting down with Dr. Keith Martin, longtime MP for Esquimalt/ Juan de Fuca. Dr. Martin, thank you for visiting […]