
A Note From The Publisher

Ted Smith
Time to get in the game, herb lovers!
Seriously, if you believe cannabis should be legal then it is time for you to do something about it. Most people feel alienated from the political structures that created prohibition and are reluctant to become involved in letter writing campaigns, street rallies, or fundraising. Instead of getting involved in politics, it would be easier for most people to bring their message out at sports events they already attend.
Anyone can be a Team 420 cheerleader. If you are a fan already, it does not take any special skill or much effort to wear a cannabis t-shirt when you are going out to an amateur or professional sport event.
These are perfect occasions to show off your favourite pot t-shirt to other people, getting people to laugh, think, and talk about the herb. Buttons, patches, and hats proudly displaying a leaf can help you make new friends that are interested in the same sport.
Public displays of the cannabis leaf are becoming more common. This is wearing down opposition to legalization. When people who do not use the herb see cannabis enthusiasts proudly wearing the leaf, they can not help but feel their tax dollars are getting dumped down the drain in the failed attempt to suppress this weed.
For smokers already involved in amateur athletics there are several ways to help the cause. Even if you can not tell your coach and teammates, you can at least brag to your friends that you are in good shape and can still perform as well—or better—than non-smokers. Prove that smoking cannabis does not hurt one’s ability to run long distances, swim fast, or throw a ball accurately. Teammates, coaches, medics, fans, family, friends, teachers, and skeptics can be very helpful in changing negative opinions of the herb.
While many are active in sports through school, few carry on to play team sports or participate in individual athletic competitions later in life. This is very unfortunate, as being active ensures you will be able to enjoy a multitude of physical endeavours, encourages healthy eating patterns, and builds a sense of community. Traveling to new places to play or watch games is a great way to meet others who have made similar lifestyle choices.
Being open about your cannabis use at these events is generally safe, in part because you are not in your home town where employers, neighbours, family, and others you may want to keep your herb use from, might see you. Moreover, being open about your love of the herb at sports gatherings could lead to new connections, new places to smoke pot, and new strains to try. It might be too much of a risk to take cannabis and smoke it at one of these events, but wearing a pot t-shirt while warming up or at the closing ceremonies will bring a smile to many faces.
Athletes really appreciate it when their friends come to events to cheer them on and enjoy the festivities. Road trips with teams can give you a chance to check out head shops and hemp stores where you can investigate new products, find out about upcoming gatherings, and meet cool people working in herb friendly environments. It also gives you a chance to help spread the word about current cannabis news and events that you are concerned about, while leaving a faint smell of herb along the way.
Though you may not feel confident enough to enter into a competition alone, getting a bunch of old school friends, who you used to smoke herb with, back together to play in a baseball or curling tournament could be a blast. If you cannot afford Team 420 shirts, perhaps you could get a local head shop to sponsor you. Coming up with your own team name and logo is even more fun. For example, Owen Smith (no relation) played soccer in a local league with a bunch of buddies when they graduated from high school—calling themselves “The Blazers.”
Cannabis prohibition continues, despite wide public support for legalization, because our fear of exposure to police and other zealous drug war crusaders has lead to a fear of strangers. This has led people to cut their hair, dress like actors on TV sitcoms, and go to other extraordinary measures just to hide their use and love of the herb. If everyone in North America who believed in legalization wore a pot t-shirt on the same day, the absurdity of these policies would be apparent to everyone with their eyes open.
For cannabis lovers not interested in politics, coming out of the closet at sporting events and competitions might be the perfect opportunity to make a strong statement about the herb, without saying anything at all. Make it “no big deal” that you are the only pot team in the beer league. After all, Team 420 is about having fun,first and foremost, and life should be fun—shouldn’t it? So what are you waiting for? Game on. GO TEAM 420!

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