Tag: medicinal cannabis
The ACMPR, and the Rift in the Cannabis Industry
Judith Stamps The recently announced decision by Health Canada, to permit home growing of medical cannabis, is widely regarded as a step forward for patients, and a win for cannabis culture. The program is called: The Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations, or ACMPR. There are good aspects to this program. Under the new […]
Kris Shares his Medicinal Cannabis Story
Thanks for taking the time to read the first article I’ve penned for any publication, so I appreciate your generous compassion. As I gave much thought to what to write about first; almost too many topics on medical cannabis but yet which was the one to begin with? I decided to write on what […]
Standardizing Medicinal Cannabis Extracts
By Owen Smith In a previous blog I mentioned a number of medical cannabis products that are being developed around the world. All of these products require at least the basic extraction of the medicinal ingredients from the bulk of the cannabis plant. Although it is difficult pioneering work, medical cannabis groups have been diligently […]
Appeal decision soon in cannabis extract case
It has been just over 6 months since the BC Court of Appeal heard arguments in the Owen Smith cannabis derivatives case. The stakes are high on both sides, and the results of this decision could be far broader than anyone realized. In fact, this case make make it virtually impossible for the federal […]
Cannabis in Costa Rica – Part 2
The Costa Rica Medicinal Cannabis Movement Will they succeed? In the last blog I introduced cannabis prohibition in Costa Rica from the perspectives I gathered while visiting earlier this year. My interview with Gerald Murray of the Costa Rica Medicinal Cannabis Movement suffered some technical difficulties but I was still able to ask […]