(article previously posted at InsidetheJar) Travis Lane Part five in a series on the task force report. Arbitrary limits are a bit funny, scaled taxation has never been seen before, and production controls are unlikely to be effectively implemented with the looming threat of a powerful black market. It seems doubtful that these recommendations would […]
Tag: task force
Trudeau’s Cannabis Task Force Report: Capacity and Taxation
(article previously posted at InsidetheJar) Capacity and Taxation: Tools of Control Travis Lane Part four in a series on the task force report. Many of the problematic recommendations in the report seem to stem from the desire for governmental market control, with a particular focus on influencing the end user. Where personal carry limits and fear […]
Trudeau’s Cannabis Task Force Report: Bans and Limits
(article previously posted at InsidetheJar) Travis Lane Part three in a series on the Federal Cannabis Task Force Report. The most comical and ridiculous aspects of the report are, without a doubt, the recommendations for carry limits and home growing. I suppose the government is going to want some kind of limit placed on carry quantities. The […]
Trudeau’s Cannabis Task Force Report – Overblown Risks
(article previously posted at InsidetheJar) Travis Lane Part two in a series on the Federal Cannabis Task Force Report. The task force’s report may be a big improvement on the position paper, but there is still a strong sense that cannabis is something we need to be afraid of. In the entire 54 page document, without […]
Trudeau’s Cannabis Task Force Report – Part 1
(article previously posted at InsidetheJar) Travis Lane Part one in a series on the Task Force Report. It has been a couple of months since the final report from the federal task force on cannabis legalization was released. After a lengthy delay for translating, it was released right before the holiday season, which means that much […]
The Ugly: Dissecting the Canadian Cannabis Task Force Report
A report on legalization given to the Canadian government is profoundly disappointing for patients, shoving sick people aside in the zeal to cash in on profits and taxes. In this report, which I should stress are not binding, the task force recommends less access with the removal of caregivers, no tax breaks and vague, weak […]
The Bad: Dissecting the Canadian Cannabis Task Force Report
The Bad Last week the federal task force on legalization released its final report to the public, giving activists some pleasant surprises along with a few problems and disappointments. In my first blog about it last week I focused on the positive, as the report contains so many good recommendations that I missed a few […]
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly: Dissecting the Canadian Cannabis Task Force Report
The Good In a comprehensive final report by the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation, released to the public on Tues Dec 13, 2016, recommendations covering a broad range of areas of public policy have attempted to nurture the development of a robust industry, while addressing potential problems. Some recommendations appear very favourable to […]
Task Force Could Hurt Craft Cannabis In Report Next Week
A federal task force on legalization is expected to release its final recommendations to the Liberal government next week and many in the cannabis field fear the worst. Lead by Anne Mclellan, this team of doctors, lawyers and law enforcement experts was formed by Bill Blair, the MP who is ultimately responsible for the legalization […]
Team Cannabis Lobbies BC Government For Inclusive Regulations
Wednesday Sept 14, 2016 Victoria, B.C. Cannabis legalization offers all British Columbians an opportunity to benefit from the multi-billion dollar market that has been created here by cannabis activists over decades. In an attempt to bring together a wide range of individuals and organizations that are working hard to educate the public about cannabis, The […]