(article previously posted at InsidetheJar) Capacity and Taxation: Tools of Control Travis Lane Part four in a series on the task force report. Many of the problematic recommendations in the report seem to stem from the desireĀ for governmental market control, with a particular focus on influencing the end user. Where personal carry limits and fear […]
Tag: Tax
Tax Tips For Cannabis Related Businesses
How To Take Advantage Of Charity Donation Tax Credits For Cannabis Related Businesses And Their Supporters Julia Veintrop with the support and verification of Randy York, RCA. At the end of the day, either personally or through your business, we are all paying taxes to the government. If you have to pay that money anyways, […]
The Greens on Marijuana Legalization
(image: greenparty.ca) Editors Notes: Interview from Nov 2010: Bill S-10 has since passed into law and Elizabeth May now sits in parliament as the first and only Green member) An Interview with Elizabeth May Cannabis Digest: Do you know anything about Hempology 101 in Victoria, or what we do as an organization? […]
Harper the Bad Conservative
By Dean Schwind I’m sure you have heard a ton of things said about Steven Harper. Some good, some bad depending upon which side of the fence your on. I’ve called the man all kinds of things, which I will refrain from listing here in an effort to maintain some high ground. But in my […]
The Saga of Medical Marijuana in Washington State
Every jurisdiction that legalizes marijuana encounters its own special set of post prohibition gremlins. Gremlins are mythical creatures that specialize in sabotage. In fairy tales they appear as inhabitants of other worlds. In reality they inhabit our own. That this is so is evident from a glance at Washington State where, despite legalization, masters in […]