Tracy Lamourie It’s becoming a little exhausting being a cannabis activist in Ontario. In the time it takes to smoke a pin joint in a crowd, it seems the entire landscape has changed…and before you even have time to do a dab, it’s changed again. Originally I had planned to use this space only to […]
Tag: Toronto
More Raids on Dispensaries? What in Tarnation?
Judith Stamps The recent raids on medical cannabis dispensaries in the cities of Nanaimo and Toronto remind us how tenuous is the situation for storefront providers of cannabis medicine. They depend on the charity, good will and enlightened attitudes of city councillors, law enforcement agents, health officials, neighbours, and anyone else with clout. Doctors remain […]
Public Prosecutor Zealots Push For Toronto Police Raids
Ted Smith Everyone knows by now that Toronto police raided 43 cannabis dispensaries on Thurs May 26 but it is still not clear to everyone who influenced the chief of police in his decision to create Project Claudia. Mayor John Tory, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are all washing their hands […]
HC Hustle; Concentrated Oil and Vapor Lounges (EP 012)
The Health Canada Hustle; Concentrated Cannabis Oil; Toronto Vapor Lounges and more from the Cannabis Digest this week November 29nd – December 5th, 2014 with Owen Smith Subscribe to the Youtube Channel! Saturday Al Graham part of a new commercial industry—a business that caters to consumers in a way to allow them to consume […]
Visiting Vapor Lounges in Toronto
By Al Graham From where I’m sitting, it looks like cannabis is becoming more prevalent in our daily lives. It has become part of regular television, with programs such as Weeds and Weed Wars, and it’s part of our clothing industry, as many people have a shirt, a jacket, or some other article with a […]
Yogabis: Melding Mind, Body and Cannabis
Ganja Yoga is for folks interested in engaging in healthy practices for mind and body. What is ganja yoga? Essentially it’s ingesting psycho-active cannabis and then doing yoga practice while under it’s influence. Why include ganja in a yoga practice? For me, using ganja regularly as a helpful tool in yoga classes increases body awareness […]
Connoisseurs Converge on Big Smoke
2013 Treating Yourself Expo best yet By Al Graham Cannabis is a plant that many governments claim is dangerous and should not be consumed, but we are seeing something different. Unfortunately, this fear-mongering message, which is almost 100 years old, is one that leaves many unanswered questions, and the feeling that we have been […]
Smoking Out Toronto : Activists fighting for the right to smoke in Canada’s biggest city
This summer, the Toronto cannabis scene has been like no other. Almost every week there is some event, show, or court case held somewhere in and around the city. While these don’t always make the news, this past summer saw two situations that went mainstream. These would be the Superior Court Case of Matt Mernagh, […]