We are deeply honoured and excited to announce the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club has signed a new three year lease at 826 Johnson St! Our legal team at JFK Law Corporation wrote to the landlord and BC Solicitor General arguing that we are a medical cannabis dispensary, not an unlicensed recreational facility. This convinced the landlord’s lawyer that we had reasonable grounds to continue operating despite threats of fines or jail from the BC Solicitor General.
This is incredible news for everyone at the club and all those that care for the patients that rely on our services. Losing the space on Johnson St would have been nothing short of hell and we are extremely pleased to continue operating in this space after 20 years.
Our fight is not over yet, though, as we do expect a backlash from the BC Solicitor General, Mike Farnworth, unless our collective lobbying efforts and legal arguments convince him and the CSU to back off. Whether it is in the form of another raid or fine or some other punitive measure, there will likely be a negative reaction within the bureaucracy at the very least.
This week we will also be sending off our application for an exemption from Health Canada, as JFK Law Corporation is just finishing the final details now.
We have not won this war yet, but for now we do not have to retreat.
There will be an article in the Times Colonist newspaper tomorrow, March 31st. We need to flood the TC with letters to ensure the depth of our support in town is clear to the editorial department and hopefully, if they print several letters of support, it will reach the politicians as well.
Any donations to help with legal fees for our federal exemption application are greatly appreciated. If you are able to donate to support our cause, please send e-transfers to savethevcbc@gmail.com. Cheques, cash and other donations can be dropped off or mailed to 826 Johnson St, Victoria, B.C., V0R 1N3.
Thank you all for supporting us during these intense and uncertain times. For now the VCBC will be continuing business as usual at 826 Johnson St.
The VCBC Team