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Ancient North American Hempsters
Hopewell Mound Builders, Did Native Americans grow cannabis? The use of hemp throughout the ancient world is extensive and diverse. Even in North America there is solid proof that indigenous people were making hemp fabric thousands of years ago. In this first video of the second chapter of my book, HEMPOLOGY 101: THE HISTORY AND […]
Victoria Council Issues Cannabis Buyers Club Smoking Exemption
Another huge victory has brought life back into the oldest medical cannabis dispensary in the world. After initially passing bylaws in Sept to license cannabis dispensaries without allowing any consumption on site, on Thurs Nov Victoria city council has voted 7-1 in favour of granting the two oldest clubs in town an exemption. The approximately […]
Crime Bill Coming Soon
By Amie Gravell The Safe Streets and Communities Act, what we know as bill C-10 (also bill S-10 and C-15 in other incarnations), had both previous versions of the bill died in the house due to prorogation of the Government of Canada for the Prime Minister’s benefit, or due to the call for an election. […]