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Review: Cannabis and the Soma Solution
By Ted Smith For anyone who believes pot smoking started in the 1960s, I have the book for you. Unraveling the secrets of cannabis that time has hidden, Chris Bennett, in his new book Cannabis and the Soma Solution, has established that the herb was the primary plant medicine used for spiritual purposes in ancient […]
Jah Bless You Healthy Cannabis
by Ted Smith To the tune of “God bless you merry gentlemen” Jah bless you health-y can-na-bis, let free-dom pave your way, Re-mem-ber Ter-ry Park-er, Was cleared one hap-py day, To save us all from leg-al troub-les, And stop the war some-day. O, Tidings of cookies and buds, cookies and buds, O, Tidings of […]
Political Pandering
(Image: Political Pandering) Lets start this blog with simple confession. I hate politics. Passionately. Politics is a representation of everything I truly despise about humanity. Fakery. Trickery. Shallowness. False impressions. Telling people what they want to hear. False honesty. Mass Manipulation. Propaganda. The political world is a real departure from reality that regular people face […]