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The Great Trudeau Debate : Against
The Hollow Chocolate Easter Bunny That Is Justin Trudeau By Russel Barth The media have been saying that the Justin Trudeau Liberals will legalize marijuana if they get into power. Trudeau has been saying things along those lines, I will admit, but he has promised nothing, and it is not yet an official party policy. […]
Issue 30 – Fall 2011
Contents Dispensaries Deserve Exemptions Updates, Warnings, Suggestions Editorials BC Clubs Raided Cannabis Caution InSite Latin America Says No More Health Canada Wants Out The Right to Grow David Bratzer Organics Matter UVic Hempology Letter Whole Plant Cannabis Medicine Hemp as Building Material Justice Matters Wordsearch / Comics
Phantasmagorical Barriers to Legal Cannabis: A Gallery
Phantasmagoria: 1a. Images seen with the magic lantern, 19th century precursor to moving pictures 2a. A constantly shifting, complex succession of things seen or imagined as in a dream or fever state… Spinners of future tales on cannabis history—fictional or non—will need to draw on the succession of dreams and fever states that have created […]