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No Victim, No Crime – Georgia Toons
I was watching a documentary recently and they stated, at one point it could be considered a crime to distribute or promote anything that showed an interracial couple in a positive light. Even standing together. WOW I grew up in Toronto – The ‘melting pot’ of Canada 😉 If not the world. We have such a […]
Play the Marijuana Musician Wordsearch Puzzle
Owen Smith By popular demand of the Cannabis Digest readership, the Summer Issue #49 will feature a wordsearch puzzle. Find some of the many Marijuana loving Musicians from this mix of letters. If you don’t have a Cannabis Digest newspaper; you can Print the Puzzle, but be sure to ask your local headshop or dispensary to order a […]
Veterans for Cannabis
Getting veterans involved in the liberation of cannabis By Dave Nelson To the military side of our family, there is a Veteran Affairs Canada new Charter of Rights. What does this mean for you? If you have completed basic training and have been honourably released, there may be some assistance for you. At the same […]