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An Interview With: Elizabeth May
The Greens on mandatory minimums and legalization Cannabis Digest: Do you know anything about Hempology 101 in Victoria, or what we do as an organization? Elizabeth May: No We have been involved in the Victoria scene for 15 years. We are an advocacy group for hemp and marijuana—both sides of the cannabis coin. We have […]
Cannabis: Where We Are; Where We Might Go
Judith Stamps Legal cannabis will walk onstage in the midst of a crazy scene. But then, maybe all historical periods are crazy scenes. Here are some features of ours. In the 1880’s industrial nations moved from plant-based to chemically based medicines. The transition was hailed as progress, and had, among other effects, a profound influence […]
Ted Smith These are exciting times for those of us who have been working hard over the years to bring Hempology 101 to fruition. The transformation of our newsletter turning into this newspaper is one of many proj- ects that our group is involved with. Estab- lishing Cannabis Digest as a leading canna- bis publication […]