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Cannabis Digest Crossword: Toking Politicians
By Owen Smith The Cannabis Digest has featured a Crossword section in the back pages for the past dozen issues. Follow This link to play the latest Cannabis Digest Crossword Online: Toking Politicians
Prohibition in Canada – Hempology 101 Textbook
by Ted Smith As new uses of hemp became discovered in the early 1900’s, the number of competitors also grew. These industries colluded with influential political figures to gradually eliminate cannabis from the marketplace by any means possible. In Canada, no one was more driven to create laws punishing so-called drug users than Emily Murphy. […]
RvSmith Supreme Court of Canada Coverage
I recently travelled to Ottawa with Ted Smith and Dieter Macpherson and my partner Coco (see photo above) to attend the March 20th hearing in Supreme Court of Canada. This would be the climax of our 5 and a half year quest to declare the Canadian medical cannabis regulations unconstitutional. We were hosted by Kelly […]