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Editors Note: Words for a Special Issue
Welcome to Issue Fifty of Cannabis Digest, a tribute to ten years of perseverance on the part of the CD team, and to the paper’s originator, Gayle Quin, who passed away peacefully on September 22, 2016. It should be seen as a tribute, too, to Gayle’s life partner, Ted Smith who, for fifty seasons, has […]
Backdoor Medicine: How Cannabis Suppositories Can Save Lives
[su_quote]You want me to put that WHERE?[/su_quote] By Nicholas Fraleigh This is a common reaction to the suggestion that cannabis can be used as a suppository. Rectal administrations (suppositories) have an unfairly bad reputation in North America, despite the diverse benefits they offer. This article aims to educate about the advantages associated with the rectal […]
A Beginner’s Guide To Joint Rolling
Cannabis Digest is happy to bring you weekly episodes of the Cannaisseur with Caelan Walton, but you don’t have to wait, visit the youtube page and subscribe for more videos. In the third episode of The Cannaisseur I’m going to show you all the different tools you can use to roll a joint, types of rolling […]