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Justice Matters
By Jesse Stamm Hello Hempology students! I am an articled student (graduated from law school, will be writing the bar exam in Sept.) at Roger Batchelor Law Corporation in the Western Communities. I moved to Victoria in 1994 to attend the University of Victoria, and have spent 10 of those years completing two Bachelor’s degrees […]
Papa Puff’s Top Articles of the Week! August11, 2019
If you ask Ted Smith where he has gotten his cannabis news updates for the last twenty years, he will tell you… I go to Papa Puff. Why? Because he is obsessed with reading cannabis news, he finds the best, most relevant up to date information. An amazing source of what you need to know, […]
Why We Protest When Politicians Are Not Listening
One of the most potent forms of activism is protesting on the street but getting large numbers and media attention is difficult to generate. Typically only politicians in opposition parties will attend rallies, with those in power heavily protected from hearing voices of discontented citizens. While this may deter some from organizing small scale protests, […]