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Live Wired—Activate Your Mind
I was raised in some of the most socially and politically conservative parts of Canada. As a child and young adult, I was well educated in the harms associated with illicit drug use. I had no reason to believe that those lessons were based on bad information. I kept my distance from drugs and had […]
RvSmith Supreme Court of Canada Coverage
I recently travelled to Ottawa with Ted Smith and Dieter Macpherson and my partner Coco (see photo above) to attend the March 20th hearing in Supreme Court of Canada. This would be the climax of our 5 and a half year quest to declare the Canadian medical cannabis regulations unconstitutional. We were hosted by Kelly […]
Latin America Says No To Drug War
By M. Allister Greene The tactics of the War on Drugs in Central and South America has formed a dust ring around it. But this dust is made up of blood, bones, drugs, money, and corruption. Many people from countries such as Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, El Salvador, and many other Latin American countries, met on […]