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Hemp Food Reaching New Highs
By Diane Walsh “Tastes like sunflower, looks like sesame”—a clever little catch phrase I picked up along the way, coining hempseed as a food to a tee. Be it hemp, morning shakes, peanut chocolate energy balls made of hemp, almond goji powerballs or apple-power porridge (available right here in Victoria, B.C.), finger-licking brownies, hemp “corn […]
A Sensible BC
Dana Larsen spearheads a new initiative to decriminalize By Amie Gravell Decriminalization: Shuffling descriptions of criminality and shuffling perceptions of criminality. I first heard about the Sensible BC campaign from Dana Larsen when he spoke at the 13th Cannabis Convention at UVic. I came into marijuana advocacy and activism through a deep desire to speak […]
The Truth About Cannabis: Complexities in Public Discourse
Judith Stamps There is no demon weed, but there are demons that plague our personal and social conversations on cannabis. Here are a few. Eight Logical Fallacies 1. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc, called ‘post hoc’ for short. In English: after this, therefore because of this. In real life it looks like this: Oscar used […]