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From the Ashes Rise a Phoenix
By Dean Schwind “I’m gonna change you like a remix, Then I’ll raise you like a phoenix” – Fall Out Boy With the winds of change blowing at gale force in the world of medical cannabis it’s challenging to keep up with all the new players, regulations, and landmark legal battles surrounding the weed. Generally, […]
Amygdalar Control and the Art of Zen
Controlling the reptilian brain. You have three main portions of your brain. The Brainstem, the Cerebrum and the Limbic System which is the connection between first two. The brainstem is the primitive or reptilian portion and is responsible for keeping the species alive. It is responsible for autonomic function of heart rate and respiration. The […]
VCBC Autumn Updates & Announcements
Annnual General Meeting: Thurs Oct 13 The VCBC will be holding its Annual General Meeting this year on Thursday October 13th, at the Fernwood Community Center from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. This venue is wheelchair accessible, it has a large parking lot across the street, and is easily accessible via bus, biking and walking. This year […]