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How Black Pepper relieves Cannabis Anxiety
By Owen Smith While working at the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club I was able to teach some of the members about Black Pepper. While benefiting from the medicinal effects of THC, these patients suffered from bouts with anxiety while medicating. Most patients who have tried this simply took a few sniffs of the black pepper to receive an […]
Hemp for Fuel
by Ted Smith One of the most intriguing uses of hemp is fuel. When Rudolf Diesel invented his engine in the late 1800’s it was made to burn fuels made with vegetable oils, much like the bio-diesel vehicles we often hear about today. Instead of using hemp or other more sustainable, environmentally friendly energy sources, […]
Publishers Note: Highly Exciting Times
By Ted Smith When Owen Smith was arrested for baking cookies over 5 years ago, there was no doubt in my mind that history was being made. Since that fateful day, when he walked out of the apartment with no handcuffs and his head held high, Owen has been a modern hero. At the press […]