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Tilray Bulldog Attacks Dispensaries
By Ted Smith On Thurs May 14, 2015, the Victoria City Council is expected to formally request city staff to prepare bylaws to license medical cannabis dispensaries. While the vast majority of local citizens have expressed support for this development, a local consultant has decided to jump into the fray with a letter so biased […]
Vancouver Cannabis Conference July 19th
By Owen Smith On Sunday, July 19th, Simon Fraser University Harbour Centre will host the 2015 Vancouver Cannabis Conference. With the city recently voting to regulate dispensaries and the Federal government maintaining their opposition: this year’s Federal election looms. Panels of experts have been formed to discuss the Medicinal Use of Cannabis; The Historical, Sacred, […]
RvSmith Supreme Court of Canada Coverage
I recently travelled to Ottawa with Ted Smith and Dieter Macpherson and my partner Coco (see photo above) to attend the March 20th hearing in Supreme Court of Canada. This would be the climax of our 5 and a half year quest to declare the Canadian medical cannabis regulations unconstitutional. We were hosted by Kelly […]