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Making Simple and Healthy Cannabis Edibles
By Owen Smith When buying ingredients for the V-CBC, who i worked for as a cannabis medicine maker, I was asked to always choose whole, raw, organic, locally produced products wherever possible. The nutritional benefit of fresh ingredients adds to the medicinal effects of the product. A tasty brownie or chocolate chip cannabis cookie will […]
Cannabis Social Equity and “The Big Fix”
do cannabis consumers really want to be dazzled by the magicians bag of hypnotic advertisements or is there something more influential and important that could sway the purchasing decisions of the dedicated cannabisseur?
Bites From The Bakery
By Owen Smith Greetings Cannabis Digesters! My name is Owen, and I’ve been baking for the Cannabis Buyers’ Club of Canada for the past 18 months. Learning how to produce the 29 edible and skin products from our for- mer bakers Gayle, Leslie, Ted, Kathleen, Colby, Ryan, Zoe, and Steve has been a valuable experience […]