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After Marco Polo opened up the trade routes between the east and west many foreign goods and traditions began appearing in Europe, but none were as intriguing as hash and opium. Despite the best efforts of the church, a surge of interest in secret arts spread like wildfire. Known as alchemy or witchcraft depending upon […]
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(Supreme Court of Canada) by Ted Smith On March 20, 2015, the top nine judges in Canada will spend an entire day discussing whether cannabis derivatives deserve legal status similar to that of cannabis. This will be the first time in history that the Supreme Court of Canada has heard arguments regarding medical cannabis and […]
Real and Unreal Oppositions in the World of Cannabis in Canada
Judith Stamps We must not foster the belief that there is a radical dichotomy between Health Canada Licensed Producers (LPs) and medical cannabis dispensaries. And if we are hanging on to an attitude that says: it’s-us-versus-them, we should dump it. So say representatives of the Canadian Association of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries (CAMCD), spokespersons for LPs, […]