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A Note From The Publisher
By Ted Smith This fall marks eight years since we first printed an issue of the Cannabis Digest. We are very proud of the evolution of our publication, and every sign indicates it will continue to grow far beyond its current form into an even more powerful tool for cannabis activism. When I committed myself […]
How NOT To Have a Public Debate on Legalizing Marijuana
Notes on the February 4th Event at the University of Victoria Last Wednesday I trotted off to UVIC’s Farquar Auditorium to listen to a ‘debate/discussion’ on legalizing marijuana, put on by the UVSS—the student society. They had organized a panel with four speakers, two pro, two con. On the pro side were activist Marc […]
Looking Back on Legalization from the Future
Jerry Golick, from the future… Dateline: April 20, 2018 4:00 PM It is an odd and bittersweet moment, though on the surface it seems perfectly normal. At the age of 66, I find myself in a most familiar place, that is, sitting in my favourite chair, about to engage in one of my most […]