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EDITORIAL: It’s all About Freedom
Andrew Brown Editor There is a power struggle going on in Canada, and most of the world for that matter, about the right to use cannabis. We have a conservative government that wishes to see all use made illegal, we have a majority of the population agreeing that “pot should be legalized,” and a court […]
Taxonomic Troubles?
By Jamie Shaw Whats in a name? A recent Canadian Medical Association Journal(CMAJ) piece displayed the names of cannabis strains provided by Health Canada Licensed Producers and suggested that many of the names should be changed to be less ‘recreational’ sounding. While on the surface this sounds like sage advice, it actually underlines the deep-seated […]
High Artists: The Hicks
By Andrew Brown They’re rude, crude, funny, and shocking—so offensive that the plug was pulled during a gig at a local gay bar. And they are proud of that. They are The Hicks, and indeed they are. Some folks just don’t enjoy satire on this level, and take it too much at face value, in […]