Twenty two years ago, at the tender age of 25, I started to attend Hempology 101 meetings and was infected with a passion that has fueled me in a course that would change Canadian history. That passion brought me together with the most incredible woman I have ever met, a woman who died at home […]
Tag: Gayle Quin
21 Years of Medicine, Community and Constant Change
This weekend the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club will be celebrating 21 incredible years of operating with its Annual General Meeting followed by a potluck at the club. While this has been the club’s most difficult year in many ways, there appears to be a bright future ahead for the organization as we leap into a […]
Final Tribute To Gayle Quin Medicine Woman
Ted Smith On the weekend on Nov 5 and 6, 2016, friends and family of Gayle Quin gathered to say goodbye at 3 very different, unique celebrations. Her magnificent spirit watched over us as we sang cannabis carols and told stories of her. For those she touched the pain of her loss is only tempered […]
Gayle Quin as WonderBuzz by Georgia Toons
See more from Georgia on the Cannabis Digest On FB,Twitter,PIN: Georgia Toons Daily Blah Blah Blog and Cartoon! <>< Have Faith ☮♥ Georgiatoons shall own all intellectual property, including copyrights, models and drawings on all artwork created by Georgia Peschel. This artwork is protected by copyright law and may not be reproduced in […]
Tributes to Gayle Quin (1957-2016)
Join Gayle’s Friends at Her Memorial and Celebration on Nov. 5th, Read more HERE Gayle’s laughter thundered with brilliant rays of light that warmed my heart and soul. I first met her at UVic Hempology in 2004. I reluctantly showed her a cannabis roach that I’d preserved in wax, thinking it was a weird thing […]
Updates, Warnings, Suggestions: Issue 50
On Tuesday Oct 4, the International Hempology 101 Society held its Annual General Meeting at the Green Ceiling, thanks to our sponsors Skunkbeard and Panda. Aside from the elections it was not much different from our regular monthly board meeting, which is always open to the public. With so much happening in our field, […]
Editors Note: Words for a Special Issue
Welcome to Issue Fifty of Cannabis Digest, a tribute to ten years of perseverance on the part of the CD team, and to the paper’s originator, Gayle Quin, who passed away peacefully on September 22, 2016. It should be seen as a tribute, too, to Gayle’s life partner, Ted Smith who, for fifty seasons, has […]
Publishers Note: 50th Digest Dedicated to Gayle Quin
We have dedicated this issue of the Cannabis Digest to the inspiration of our publication: Gayle Quin. My love died peacefully in her home on Thursday September 22, 2016 after a long battle with cancer. Long before we were partners she convinced me to start a newsletter to inform the members of the Victoria Cannabis […]
Celebrations Of Life For Gayle Quin November 5 and 6
Friends and family of Gayle Quin will be gathering in Victoria the weekend of November 5 and 6 to celebrate her life. She peacefully passed away in her home on Thurs Sept 22 after a long fight with cancer. Several events are being planned, giving everyone a proper chance to say goodbye and meet some […]
Cannabis Heroine Gayle Quin Succumbs To Cancer
Ted Smith After a long battle for her life, the beloved Vancouver Island activist Gayle Quin peacefully left us Thursday Sept 22, 2016 at 8:30 pm. With friends around the world, Gayle will be especially missed by her sons Joe and Chris, daughter-in-laws Sage and Jacqui, grand-daughters Abbygayle and Kaya Lou, step grand-daughters Phoenix, Ella […]