
Criminal Trials or Clinical Trials

By Owen Smith Criminal Trials or Clinical Trials In the previous edition, I pursued the historical records of medical cannabis use around the world. For much of its documented medical history cannabis preparations and applications have taken advantage of simple processes that separate the active chemicals (cannabinoids and terpenes) from the plant bulk. However, during […]


Will The Pot Laws Fall Again?

By Ted Smith Every once in a while, a court case determines the direction of Canadian society. It is a rare occasion when unique circumstances challenge the courts to strike a balance between individual freedoms and public security. Often precedent helps guide a judge towards generally accepted principals of justice that predetermine rules of evidence, […]


Phytocannabinoid Therapeutics

By Owen Smith   The History of Cannabis Extraction In the previous edition, I took a close look at how whole plant cannabis acts synergistically with our body chemistry to benefit a wide range of conditions. Simple whole plant medical cannabis products, or phytocannabinoid therapeutics, are often more effective, less expensive, and harbour fewer negative […]


A Note From The Publisher

Ted Smith Time to get in the game, herb lovers! Seriously, if you believe cannabis should be legal then it is time for you to do something about it. Most people feel alienated from the political structures that created prohibition and are reluctant to become involved in letter writing campaigns, street rallies, or fundraising. Instead […]


Bites From The Bakery

By Owen Smith Greetings Cannabis Digesters! My name is Owen, and I’ve been baking for the Cannabis Buyers’ Club of Canada for the past 18 months. Learning how to produce the 29 edible and skin products from our for- mer bakers Gayle, Leslie, Ted, Kathleen, Colby, Ryan, Zoe, and Steve has been a valuable experience […]



Publisher Ted Smith <> Int. Hempology 101 Society Victoria 826 Johnson Street V8W 1N3 Editor Andrew Brown <> Contributors Gayle Quin Owen Smith Matt Elrod Kristen Mann Kyla Williams Chris Bennett Dave Nelson Keith Fagin Mark Knowles Jimmy Nguyễn Hoàng Duy Jeremy Bezooyen Brandi Woods Cover image by: Owen Smith For advertising or general inquiries […]