(Supreme Court of Canada) by Ted Smith On March 20, 2015, the top nine judges in Canada will spend an entire day discussing whether cannabis derivatives deserve legal status similar to that of cannabis. This will be the first time in history that the Supreme Court of Canada has heard arguments regarding medical cannabis and […]
Tag: Owen
Supreme Court Extract Case Set for March
By Ted Smith On March 20, 2015, patients and activists from across the country will descend upon the Supreme Court of Canada to witness the first medical cannabis case ever heard by the high court. Owen Smith, former head baker of the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club, will be in the front row to watch his […]
The Benefits of Eating and Vaporizing Cannabis
By Owen Smith When doctors talk about cannabis, many agree that although it’s a relatively harmless complex of chemicals, smoking it is an obvious problem. Medical cannabis patients know that the benefits of smoking are an instant relief of their symptoms, and the ability to regulate/titrate doses until their symptoms are relieved. Many patients know […]
Cannabinoids Matter
The case for legalizing extracts In my last article I described visiting the BC Court of Appeal, and laid out some of the arguments for and against the legal extraction of medical cannabis in Canada. As we wait for a decision on my constitutional challenge, south of the border, in the U.S., there is a […]
Will The Pot Laws Fall Again?
By Ted Smith Every once in a while, a court case determines the direction of Canadian society. It is a rare occasion when unique circumstances challenge the courts to strike a balance between individual freedoms and public security. Often precedent helps guide a judge towards generally accepted principals of justice that predetermine rules of evidence, […]
Bites From The Bakery
By Owen Smith Greetings Cannabis Digesters! My name is Owen, and I’ve been baking for the Cannabis Buyers’ Club of Canada for the past 18 months. Learning how to produce the 29 edible and skin products from our for- mer bakers Gayle, Leslie, Ted, Kathleen, Colby, Ryan, Zoe, and Steve has been a valuable experience […]