Blog Canada Feature World

After Prohibition We Will Still Need Cannabis Activists:  Lessons From Colorado

We once had alcohol prohibition in North America.  The arguments that promoted it are depressingly similar to those that maintain cannabis prohibition today.   Both revolve around the notion that mind-altering plants harm children and families.  But there, as they say, the similarity ends.  Alcohol prohibition, for all its faults, was attended by widespread public dialogue.  Moreover, it didn’t last long.  Within half a generation, it was over and […]

Science World

Why Not Hemp Paper?

Barriers to hemp production crumpling   Half of the world’s forests have been cut to make paper from wood. Sad, don’t you think? Here’s something you can do about deforestation. Seek out an alternative—fibre sources derived from hemp, that are fresh tree-free. Though not widely publicized, the hemp paper market does exist. It is small, […]


A Sensible Tour

Dana Larsen sows seeds of decriminalization across BC As Canada sits watching the United States reforming its drug laws state by state through voter initiatives, we find ourselves sitting in a vortex sucking our once progressive stance on drugs into a Conservative web of ideology-based laws stemming from early drug prohibition reefer madness. With the […]