By Gayle Quin This has been truly one of the most amazing summers of my life. Not only do I feel healthier than I ever have before, but the synchronicity happening all summer has been astounding. Ted and I have been on two book tours, and to one music festival, selling his text book. The […]
Tag: Ted
Updates, Warnings, and Suggestions
By Gayle Quin Wow, what a busy winter it’s been! I guess the time spent in court ate a big chunk of our winter, but the time was well worth it. I also now have an on-going blog on the forums under CBC of C court challenge. My favourite event of the year (next […]
Updates, Warnings, and Suggestions
By Gayle Quin Wow, what a summer, and a most beautiful fall! I’m healing well and can’t express my gratitude enough for all love and good vibrations sent throughout my healing journey. I’ve had a lot of help and support, and would like to thank each and every one of you. This year is going […]
Updates, Warnings, And Suggestions
By Gayle Quin Spring was wonderful! With the long lasting winter, the blossoms were anxious to show their splendour. And with a seed bank open in town this year, there are many new happy, hopeful gardeners. Let’s hope for a great growing season! Court is moving along as court does—slowly but surely. The preliminary court […]
Updates, Warnings, and Suggestions
By Gayle Quin Thanks to everyone for the wonderful feedback on our paper and articles. Sometimes I wonder…but then the papers keep disappearing! Thanks to everyone for their help, encouragement, and patience through all the renovations of late. I never dreamed “the box” would morph into something so wonderful. We turned the speakers into the […]
By Gayle Quin The summer has gone by in a whirl, and through it all we have been blessed with meeting some very brave and special people. Since last fall, Jim, Ted, myself, and some other brave souls from the club, have been delivering to home bound members up and down the island. It has […]
Updates, Warnings, And Suggestions
By Gayle Quin Welcome to Summer, and the 25th edition of the Cannabis Digest. The first printing of our newspaper format has been wonder- fully received, and is expanding rapidly. Be sure to check out the list of stores around town that offer member discounts, as it keeps growing, too. And do not forget to […]