By Gayle Quin
Thanks to everyone for the wonderful feedback on our paper and articles. Sometimes I wonder…but then the papers keep disappearing!
Thanks to everyone for their help, encouragement, and patience through all the renovations of late. I never dreamed “the box” would morph into something so wonderful. We turned the speakers into the room, and it sounded like we were in the Buena Vista Social Club! Thank you very much Ted. We are trying to make a bunch of changes to help celebrate the 10 year anniversary of having a storefront by hosting a Pot-Luck Party on Apr. 1. No, it’s not a prank and if you missed it then you will have to come next year, though it is member + date event only. Do not worry, Ted knows he’s only got until noon to get his jokes in. Hmm, I wonder if I’ll get it together to make a pineapple upside-down cake…
The Club’s 15th Anniversary Pot-Luck Party was very well attended. We had three separate waves of guests arrive, with an incredible assortment of mostly vegetarian delights, and a fresh home made Halibut soup. The house was full, and so was everyone in it, for the whole evening. Thanks to all who participated. Watch the white board for up-coming events.
After all the months of standing on street corners, in Victoria and across the country (well, as far as Ontario), waving banners and flags, wondering if there was an opposition side to our government, the Liberal Party has finally found a voice and is standing up to the Conservative Party and Bill S-10. Let us not become complacent now though; please write, phone and e-mail the Liberal Party in your riding and in Ottawa and thank them and encourage them to continue with their opposition. Let them know your opinion on medical cannabis, too. They can’t help you if they haven’t heard from you. A big thanks to everyone who helped with the street meets, phone jams, email campaigns, and other fight S-10 activities. Now that an election has been called, we need all parties to recognize that this is a major issue to Canadians.
Health Canada is still waging a war on plants. Starting with pulling herbs from your local herbalist’s shelves, and now by trying to class Salvia (a non-addictive psycho-active plant) as a Schedule 3 drug, making it illegal to possess and use. At this rate dandelions and non-GMO roses will be next—and I’m not joking!
We have had many submissions to the colouring contest, and I’m glad you’re all enjoying colouring. Kristen and I had the great honour of meeting Jack Herer a couple of years ago at Hempfest, in Seattle. Jack was recovering from a massive stroke that had left him paralyzed on the left half of his body. He was using Cannabis and colouring as his therapeutic tools to recovery, and was doing a tremendous job of it. You can read more about his wonderful life in Cannabis Digest issue #25. The entries are on Hempology 101’s forums for all to view.
Don’t forget to check out the forums if you can’t make it to events, as we try to post video and photos of them later. It’s the best way to keep track of Ted and the group, and if you jump on “The Magic Bus,” you can join us for a live chat.
The 1st Annual Cannabis Convention at the University of British Columbia (UBC) went better than hoped. It was very well attended, with a packed room for most of the day. Everyone was very excited to be there, with folks coming from places like Kelowna, the Gulf Islands, and as far away as Calgary. Many new friendships started to bloom, as seems this plant encourages. The UBC students have continued to have weekly Hempology 101 meetings on Mondays. I was also blessed with meeting some people who have been using our recipe book as a base for experimenting and creating exciting new medicinal products. It is the ultimate compliment to be imitated and as a teacher—I feel fulfilled at work every day. We can hardly wait until next year! In fact, some us can’t, and Ted and I have been invited to, and will be holding, the 1st Annual Cannabis Convention at the UBC Kelowna Campus, in Oct. I am gratefully honoured.
Hempology 101 celebrated International Medical Marijuana Week for the first year the week of Feb. 13-20. It started with the annual cookie giveaway, and we couldn’t have been blessed with a nicer day. I think it’s everyone’s favourite day; if you couldn’t make it out, there’s a short clip on our web page. Herb most certainly had fun! It’s going to feel very strange this Nov…Our 7th Annual Art Auction raised $700 toward the legal defence fund. The donated art was more incredible than ever, and the auction was held at the Club as well the Rising Star Bakery on Broad St. The bidding at the club was as heated as usual, nearing closing time. The next Silent Art Auction will be happening sooner rather than later, as the Solstice Cafe has kindly offered space on their walls to hold a Fund raiser/Information booth for a month beginning in the middle of Apr. Hope to see you there! The week ended with my personal favourite day of the year, our Annual Cannabis Convention. Thanks to Dan, folks on-line were able to join us; and thanks to Steve, for those who couldn’t make it out or just want to watch if again, may do so on our web page. This year’s speakers were particularly exciting, with Ted and author Chris Bennett debating Soma and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. We ended the eight day, nine event week, with a dance at the Sunset Room. And a joyful event it was.
Of all the things Ted and I get up to, absolutely nothing is as important as the time spent in court, for that is where change will occur. Also, with the wonderful Medical Marijuana Access Division in place, the same government that claims to be helping medical users of cannabis, are still putting (or trying to put) such wonderful people as Owen, Ted, Bill and Ernie, as well as others in Quebec and Ontario, into jail every day. I will not quit until this marvelous plant, and all the beautiful people I have come to know and love, no longer have to live in fear of persecution for want of an herb, and no one has to suffer a second for want of a cookie. So please rest up, and if you cannot make it to anything else, come to our court appearance. There will be many days of court, so don’t think you have to make all the dates, but please come to as many as possible. The Crown Prosecution must be shown how many people have their daily lives affected by this plant. Love and laughter to all, Gayle.