Re-posted from The Cannabis Life Network
I dated a guy who never smoked weed but from time to time, he liked to get baked with cannabis cookies. Whenever he felt the urge, we would create the ultimate stoner activity. For example, he would save up restaurant gift cards and we would nearly fast all day. Arriving at the restaurant giggling with red eyes, we would time our edibles perfectly. Let me tell you, nothing makes you enjoy having a delicious meal served to you like being baked out of your mind.
Whether its a first date or date night, here are some ideas to help you create an amazing night out that compliments your cannabis!
If you are going to go for dinner, go hard.

If you want to go for a dinner date, get ripped to make the most of it. Pick a place that you love, wear loose pants and go to town. This is not the time to choose a new place. The last thing you want is to nurture that brain fog with a long menu; especially when cannabis has a way of making everything sound good. Avoid risks and favor your gluttony. If you love meat and have yet to experience a super baked, All You Can Eat rib night, what are you waiting for? Go grab a date and let loose! After all, it is pretty easy to break the ice when you both have bbq sauce all over your face.
Go for Dessert
Dessert is rarely ordered anymore and as a result, many people are missing out on some culinary mastery. Who better to appreciate a delicious creation than a happy couple, baked out of their minds?
Here are some more reasons this date is a winner:
- Dessert menus are shorter so it will take less time to make up your mind.
- It’s pretty hard to find a dessert that someone absolutely hates.
- You won’t have to wait for a long time unless they are making something from scratch. If that is the case, you are probably in for something good.
- It’s cheap.
Head to the IMAX

Dating is about human connection and trying to create that during a two-hour-long movie is hard to do. IMAX movies don’t usually last longer than an hour, so you can balance having time to talk and having your attention taken. The added bonus is that by the time you are jonesing for another joint, the movie is over. Plus, going to an Imax film is a symphony of stimulation for the senses, so adding cannabis will help you both enjoy it on a whole other level.
Go to a local comedy show
Local comics have some of the best material because it is usually easy to relate to. But, even if the comic sucks, their awkwardness will make you laugh. Bring a joint and your date to a comedy show because nothing helps you bond like getting baked and busting a gut.
Never underestimate the amount of fun that you can have getting baked and going to the museum. Even if you have been there multiple times, there is always something new and trippy to learn. A museum can inspire all kinds of conversations, especially when complemented with the right strain.
Theatre, Ballet, or Opera
If you are not a frequent patron of theatrical arts, allow me to suggest it for a date. To put it very plainly, Opera tells a story through song, and ballet through dance. Some are incredibly beautiful while others can get really weird, it all depends on the composer and production. Getting baked before you go can really compliment the entire experience and you can usually count on being able to duck out for a quick puff during intermission.
Paint your own Ceramics
Have you ever heard of drop-in ceramic painting? It’s available in most cities and a lot of fun. With plentiful options all grouped by price, you and your date pick an unglazed ceramic and paint it. All the supplies you need are there and the store will fire the finished piece in their kiln.
However, the biggest reason this makes a great date isn’t just because it’s fun, it’s because of the therapeutic value. The communication that needs to happen to foster a healthy relationship can take a lot out of a person and that is precisely why this date is such a great choice. It adds an element of art therapy to dating.

Art therapy causes relaxation by lowering the activity of the amygdala; the part of the brain that controls our emotional response to stress. So, if you are struggling to let yourself open up to your partner or can’t help but feel anxious, get baked and go paint.
A word of caution – Avoid this date if the relationship is new because, at some point in the future, both of you will need to return to pick up your finished masterpieces.
At home movie and TV food pairing
If you want to stay in, smoke weed and watch movies, spice it up with a food pairing. Have you ever watched a show that makes you crave a certain food? Listen to that little voice inside you and prepare your munchies for the next viewing. Here are a few of my favorite TV and movie food pairings

- The Sopranos and pasta
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with a vast array of candies and chocolate – the key to making this food pairing a success is a selection variety.
- Vikings and meat – any kind of meat, but pulled pork sandwiches are my favorite
- Outlander – a delicious Scotch or Bourbon to sip on
Bad Ideas
These dates might seem like a good idea but a stoner couple should be wary.
Escape rooms – Escape rooms are fun but there is often nowhere to sit.
Dinner at a new restaurant – My buddy let his date pick a new restaurant that I happened to be at. It was a Chinese restaurant he had never been to and I watched them stare at the menu for at least ten minutes. He looked so uncomfortable with his meal when it arrived. Later, he told me that he ordered the “assorted meat on rice” and got an assortment of meats, organs, boned tissue and a grey sponge thing. Don’t let this be you.
Movies – A classic date idea but there is no opportunity to talk or blaze at the movie theater. Even worse, one of you could pass out and start snoring, or fart.
No matter what activities you do or don’t do, as long as your relationship has open communication and common interest, it’s heading in the right direction. I hope that this helps you take date night to a much higher level because after all, the couple that blazes together, stays together.