A Retrospective Look at the Future of Canadian Drug Policy (Part 3 of 3) BY RYAN FINK What I see forming through these trials and tribulations is a kind of symbiosis between the courts and various activist groups, mediated by the now random and circumstantial police interventions that result from nothing more than broken laws. […]
Author: Ryan Fink
Trial By Fire – Part 2
A Retrospective Look at the Future of Canadian Drug Policy (Part 2 of 3) (read Part 1 Here) BY RYAN FINK When I was arrested back in 2003, it was by a team of police officers who were bent on dismantling the CBC of C (now the V-CBC) through continued raids, who would go to […]
Trial By Fire: Part 1
A Retrospective Look at the Future of Canadian Drug Policy (Part 1 of 3) By Ryan Fink The past decade has seen much progress in what is fast becoming a revolution surrounding government drug policy and social attitudes toward drug culture in Canada. The endurance and proliferation across the country of illegal medicinal cannabis providers […]
Marc Emery Coming Home Soon
Many excited for return of cannabis powerhouse By Ryan Fink It has been three years since Marc Emery arrived in the U.S. to begin serving a five-year sentence in maximum security prison. We are all aware that he was convicted of selling seeds, and that this is what, under U.S. federal law, warranted his harsh […]
Game Changer
New rules benefit business, not patients By Ryan Fink Where people in Canada are still unjustly prohibited from using cannabis recreationally, those who have been granted a tenuous right to use it medicinally are being targeted by Health Canada in a new scheme called the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) that is set to […]
Hempology 101 : A year in a review
Without a doubt, 2012 was the best year for Hempology 101. But it looks like 2013 will be even better. While it will be hard to top the publishing of the Hempology 101 textbook, the next year will be the first full year of touring around, teaching and learning about cannabis. Now that I no […]
Trial by Fire
A Retrospective Look at the Future of Canadian Drug Policy By Ryan Fink The past decade has seen much progress in what is fast becoming a revolution surrounding government drug policy and social attitudes toward drug culture in Canada. The endurance and proliferation across the country of illegal medicinal cannabis providers over the past decade, […]