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Three More Years of Hell for Emery
Marc Emery may be in prison, but the powers that put him there have not been able to silence his voice, despite obvious attempts to do so. Emery, the seed vending-activist who was extradited to the U.S. with the Conservative Canadian Government’s approval, has been incarcerated in the U.S. for one year this past May. […]
Herb on the Run, TC 10K
Check out this short Video I put together of the footage of Hempology mascot Herb running the Times Colonist 10K marathon. Big thanks to the Bong Station team and the Photo and Video takers. Despite getting a late start, and it being a windy day, Herb hit the bong and ran the Marathon: An amazing […]
Updates, Warnings, and Suggestions
First off—WOW! Issue number 40. This feels more exciting than my 40th birthday will! It has been a great pleasure and joy to be able to contribute over the years. There have most certainly been a lot of changes, and more are on the way. I can finally say with conviction: “the end is near. […]