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The 2016 Spirit Plant Medicine Conference
Cannabis, specifically THC, is among a class of plant compounds that is commonly demonized for its mind altering effects. Our understanding of the effects of psycho-active plant molecules on our minds is greatly under-developed due to the criminal prohibitions on their use and study. With cannabis leading the way into legal regulation and acceptance, other psycho-active […]
CBCoC Bakery Raid
BY: TED SMITH Despite their humble appearance, cookies may bring big changes to the cannabis laws in Canada. On the surface, cannabis cookies look no different than any other. Legally, however, cannabis cookies create a complex problem that has huge medical and economic implications. Victoria police are tired of hearing about pot cookies; the public […]
Team Cannabis Lobbies BC Government For Inclusive Regulations
Wednesday Sept 14, 2016 Victoria, B.C. Cannabis legalization offers all British Columbians an opportunity to benefit from the multi-billion dollar market that has been created here by cannabis activists over decades. In an attempt to bring together a wide range of individuals and organizations that are working hard to educate the public about cannabis, The […]