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Kris Shares his Medicinal Cannabis Story
Thanks for taking the time to read the first article I’ve penned for any publication, so I appreciate your generous compassion. As I gave much thought to what to write about first; almost too many topics on medical cannabis but yet which was the one to begin with? I decided to write on what […]
Trudeau’s Cannabis Task Force Report – Overblown Risks
(article previously posted at InsidetheJar) Travis Lane Part two in a series on the Federal Cannabis Task Force Report. The task force’s report may be a big improvement on the position paper, but there is still a strong sense that cannabis is something we need to be afraid of. In the entire 54 page document, without […]
Updates, Warnings and Suggestions #51
This year promises to be one of the most exciting of my career, as many personal projects will be coming to fruition on the ground while legalization looms in the air. It is with a bittersweet sadness, though, that I have so much time to devote to the cause, as it is only possible because […]