When I was asked to consider if I would contribute a regular Blog for Cannabis Digest – to be honest, I was shocked. Then honored and humbled.
(lol) I do not find writing necessarily my strong suit.
Drawing is and it is also what I love to do most. I started a Blog on my own website in 2010, with the intent of being honest – to the point of painful at times – more than I had ever imagined.
Many see my cartoons now all around the world and If I said I was not proud of that I would be lying! I have seen my cartoons blown up banner size by a fan in Germany, Postcards put up by friends in Japan, original drawings now in Germany, Norway, all over the UK… banners of my cartoons used in marches in the United States, my cartoons turned into protest signs, on so many websites I can’t count anymore!
And YES I encourage people to share them and do it all for free.
The Happy Hippie & Cultivating Compassion have appeared in Magazines such as Treating Yourself, NUG, ReLeaf, Canada 420, & more!
Cannabis Digest was one of my first papers to ever have the Happy Hippie appear and I also had my first COVER! How exciting! I’ve had two and Ted promises me I can do Halloween again. I am grateful to ALL of the above. ALL who read my strip, ALL the friends on Facebook that continue to share my work daily around the world. Each time I am shocked! Honored and humbled! Who knew? Not us, that is for sure. I knew I wanted to get the message our, but to see how far it has reached in a few short years leaves us feeling BLESSED every day!
You see, I have from day one been inspired by Love. Love for my son who was born with a progressive to terminal bone disease – No treatment, No Cure. That is until he became legal at the age of 15 to use Cannabis as his MEDICINE and it changed our lives for the better, after that first PUFF! It eased his pain physically and the pain we had in our hearts from watching our son suffer every day of his life.
Many do not even realize when they see my drawings of the driving force behind them. Not only do I draw about the social and political issues with cannabis WE LIVE it. The education that we have been introduced to in just 5/6 short years has been mind blowing at times and a realization of the shameful treatment of our very sick and terminally ill, by our own government and Health Canada and it’s stance on Cannabis is deplorable, disrespectful and dishonest!
One moment touting a new LEGAL facility now open but Health Canada does not recognize ‘Marijuana’ (at least they finally are spelling it correctly) as a medicine. I have even been blocked from Posting On Rona Ambrose’s facebook page – lol – but I am not about to stop… it is too important. Now not just for my son but ALL who we have encountered on this journey, especially the Children.
To be included now, part of the Cannabis Digest team, people that I have come to know over the years, either with an occasional e mail or watching what they post on FB, Ted, Owen, Andrew, Gail.. IMO, they all have the right intentions and reasons for wanting to end this insanity and DRIVE & PASSION to do it and make a difference – how could I not be honored? They are also … NICE – LOL, I like nice and avoid nasty. There is already enough ‘nasty’ in the world, why surround yourself with it if it can be avoided?
I’ll end by saying what I tell many as I truly believe: If I can make you think, smile and yes, sometimes get PISSED OFF, then my job for the day is done. I try to accomplish this with a cartoon but sometimes It is too difficult so a Blog lets it out! Trust me- I know too well, that WE have to let it out or it will eat us up!!!
Ted has given us complete FREEDOM! WOOT WOOT!!
It should be interesting. I do plan on blogging a lot about kids and cannabis, mental health, PTSD, Depression, edibles, being blocked by Rona Ambrose… Oh, it’s endless!
When not here you can read my daily (I try) ‘Blah, Blah, Blog…’ and feel free to e me and ask questions, I have no problem sharing – especially if it can possibly serve to ease someone’s suffering!
It is why we are here.
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[su_note]Georgiatoons shall own all intellectual property, including copyrights, models and drawings on all artwork created by Georgia Peschel. This artwork is protected by copyright law and may not be reproduced in any manner, or for any purpose, except by written permission of Georgiatoons.[/su_note]