Blog Science

Health Risks of Marijuana Use (James Geiwitz, Ph.D.)

Health Risks of Marijuana Use by James Geiwitz, Ph.D. September 19, 2001 Contents 1.0: INTRODUCTION 2.0: THE TOXICOLOGY OF THC 2.1: Genetic Effects 2.2: Pregnancy and Offspring 2.2.1: Pregnancy 2.2.2: Birth defects and brain development 2.3: Hormonal Systems and Reproductive Capabilities 2.4: Immune System 2.4.1: Suppression versus enhancement 2.4.2: Humans and disease 2.5: THC and […]


Access to Extracts

Science, Reason and a chance for Compassion   by Owen Smith Designated Growers in BC can legally make Extracts On May 31st 2013 Judge Johnston extended his decision from my Voir Dire (trial within a trial) in 2012, granting Designated Growers (DG’s) in British Columbia the right to make cannabis derivative products like hash, oils […]

Activism Canada Legal

Trouble in Maritimes

Halifax club struggles after police raid By Debbie Stultz-Giffin We are endeavouring to feature one patient per province and territory this year as we share patients’ stories with the rest of the country. We will be focusing on patients who will live in fear of the repercussions of the looming MMPR, and how the loss […]


Criminal Trials or Clinical Trials

By Owen Smith Criminal Trials or Clinical Trials In the previous edition, I pursued the historical records of medical cannabis use around the world. For much of its documented medical history cannabis preparations and applications have taken advantage of simple processes that separate the active chemicals (cannabinoids and terpenes) from the plant bulk. However, during […]