This weekend, a rattled, angry Trudeau attempted to defend his government’s legalization process. Like anyone with a murky agenda, he packed a lot of shaky assumptions into a few words, hoping, I suppose, to send a message that is simple and clear. But the message is tangled, and meaning, clear as mud. Here are his […]
Tag: Justin Trudeau
Trudeau on the International Stage: Implications for Cannabis Activists
This past weekend, Victoria BC played host to a matched set of visitors: British Royals, Prince William and his partner, Kate Middleton; and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accompanied by partner, Sophie Gregoire. The intense ceremony that surrounded this event reminds us that, for citizens of a classless society, at least in principle, we Canadians […]
Battleground BC: Legalization May Trump Craft Cannabis
Ted Smith People that do not even smoke cannabis know that BC has some of the best herb in the world. For decades cannabis farmers have illegally used first hidden valleys, and then basement hydroponic setups to produce volumes of high grade herb. But with legalization on the cusp those days are soon coming […]
So This Is Transparency: A Timeline on Deciphering Trudeau
Judith Stamps July 2013: At a political rally in Kelowna BC Justin Trudeau announces that he is in favour of legalizing and regulating the sale of Cannabis in Canada; cheers all ‘round. October 19, 2015: Trudeau wins a comfortable majority. His platform includes legalizing and regulating cannabis. Activists are cautiously optimistic. Trudeau strives for gender […]
Judges Will Decriminalize, Not Trudeau
Ted Smith Many cannabis enthusiasts were tickled green when the Liberals won the federal election last fall after promising to legalize. However, things have not changed quick enough for most in the field, and the appointment of former Toronto chief of police Bill Blair to lead the changes has made it clear the government intends […]
Editors Note on Our Political Condition
Judith Stamp These days, Canadian cannabis activists, patients, and supporters alike, live uneasily. The new majority federal government has stated its intention to legalize cannabis, but it will take some time before this plan is finalized. This time gap leaves us in an in-between space. Of course, we recognize many kinds of in-between spaces. An […]
What Is a Cannabis Activist, and Who Cares Anyway?
By Judith Stamps On November 3rd 2015 Ohioans rejected an initiative to legalize recreational cannabis. It was a bizarre initiative, backed by a cartel of investors who, had it passed, would have retained exclusive rights to cultivation, production and sale. It was a blueprint for a clan set to transform itself into a dominion. The […]
Overgrowing The Liberal Legalization Scheme
By Ted Smith Everyone in the cannabis industry fears it will be taken over by large corporations now that the federal government has committed to legalizing cannabis. Since the Liberals have not introduced a detailed plan, there is a legitimate concern that lobby efforts from large companies will pressure the government into creating tight rules […]
Hysteria Over Marijuana and the Teenage Brain: A Mild Rant
In 2015, Canadians will be heading into a federal election. A key issue will be legalizing marijuana. The contending Liberal Party of Canada led by Justin Trudeau, supports the idea. The ruling Conservatives led by Stephen Harper oppose it. But while the Liberals have taken the lead by proposing this legislation, it is their opponents who have […]