Russell Barth At 10:30 on the morning of October 3rd, 2017, Cannabis Culture on Bank Street in Ottawa was raided – again – by the brave and heroic Ottawa Police Service as part of a set of four busts across the city that day. Having eliminated every other crime in Ottawa – solved every murder, […]
Tag: Liberals
Note From the Editor: The Canadian Cannabis Scene
Judith Stamps Anyone with an eye on the Canadian federal political scene will have noticed that some of our provinces have begun to choke on the prospect of putting together a retail scheme for cannabis. Mewling like kittens, Saskatchewanians, for example, have begun to beg the feds to put off legalizing for an extra year. […]
So This Is Transparency: A Timeline on Deciphering Trudeau
Judith Stamps July 2013: At a political rally in Kelowna BC Justin Trudeau announces that he is in favour of legalizing and regulating the sale of Cannabis in Canada; cheers all ‘round. October 19, 2015: Trudeau wins a comfortable majority. His platform includes legalizing and regulating cannabis. Activists are cautiously optimistic. Trudeau strives for gender […]
More Raids on Dispensaries? What in Tarnation?
Judith Stamps The recent raids on medical cannabis dispensaries in the cities of Nanaimo and Toronto remind us how tenuous is the situation for storefront providers of cannabis medicine. They depend on the charity, good will and enlightened attitudes of city councillors, law enforcement agents, health officials, neighbours, and anyone else with clout. Doctors remain […]
Cannabis: Where We Are; Where We Might Go
Judith Stamps Legal cannabis will walk onstage in the midst of a crazy scene. But then, maybe all historical periods are crazy scenes. Here are some features of ours. In the 1880’s industrial nations moved from plant-based to chemically based medicines. The transition was hailed as progress, and had, among other effects, a profound influence […]
Looking Back on Legalization from the Future
Jerry Golick, from the future… Dateline: April 20, 2018 4:00 PM It is an odd and bittersweet moment, though on the surface it seems perfectly normal. At the age of 66, I find myself in a most familiar place, that is, sitting in my favourite chair, about to engage in one of my most […]