
Access to Extracts

Science, Reason and a chance for Compassion   by Owen Smith Designated Growers in BC can legally make Extracts On May 31st 2013 Judge Johnston extended his decision from my Voir Dire (trial within a trial) in 2012, granting Designated Growers (DG’s) in British Columbia the right to make cannabis derivative products like hash, oils […]


Educated Cannabinoid Crusaders : Could cannabis be an essential nutrient?

  Could cannabis be an essential nutrient? [dropcap]In[/dropcap] my previous article, I broke down the list of cannabis derivatives in Schedule 2 of the CDSA that were recently made available to patients authorized to possess “dried cannabis” for medical purposes in British Columbia. This effect was achieved by the BC Supreme Court deleting the words “dried […]


Criminal Trials or Clinical Trials

By Owen Smith Criminal Trials or Clinical Trials In the previous edition, I pursued the historical records of medical cannabis use around the world. For much of its documented medical history cannabis preparations and applications have taken advantage of simple processes that separate the active chemicals (cannabinoids and terpenes) from the plant bulk. However, during […]


Will The Pot Laws Fall Again?

By Ted Smith Every once in a while, a court case determines the direction of Canadian society. It is a rare occasion when unique circumstances challenge the courts to strike a balance between individual freedoms and public security. Often precedent helps guide a judge towards generally accepted principals of justice that predetermine rules of evidence, […]


DEA Gets Hard on Compassion Clubs

By M. Allister Greene A license gives peace of mind that you are doing everything right and by the books in the eye of the law, but as state and federal governments fight over the jurisdiction of state’s power over the legality of medical cannabis, licenses have become a placebo when what’s needed is a […]


A Note From The Publisher

By Ted Smith This fall marks eight years since we first printed an issue of the Cannabis Digest. We are very proud of the evolution of our publication, and every sign indicates it will continue to grow far beyond its current form into an even more powerful tool for cannabis activism. When I committed myself […]