If you’ve been following current events on medical cannabis, you will have heard its critics claim there have been no clinical trials to demonstrate it usefulness. The critics include, to name a few, the President of the Canadian Medical Association; the Canadian Minister of Health; the Director of the National Institute for Drug Abuse, […]
Tag: United States
Marihuana Tax Act of 1937
by Ted Smith While the potential of hemp was being explored by many farmers and entrepreneurs at the turn of the 20th century, the competition was quietly working in the background to take it out of the picture. Though some countries like Canada prohibited cannabis as early as 1923, it was not until 1937 that […]
Hemp and the Founding of America
Hemp was very important financially and physically to the settlers of America. The fibre was used for rope, canvas and paper, making it highly sought after by old European countries seeking global domination by sea and those on the new frontier. While cotton is often thought to be responsible for the rich fortunes of early […]
Marc Emery Returns to Canada
By Ted Smith No event in cannabis activism around the world has been as highly anticipated as the release of Marc Emery. After spending over 4 years trapped in various US jails, the Prince of Pot is getting ready to return to his native homeland to begin the next chapter of his life. No one […]
Cannabis and Diabetes
In a study involving nearly 11,000 patients, The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination survey (NHANES III), reported in 2011, that Marijuana users had a 66% reduction in the incidence of Diabetes after adjustment for numerous potential confounding factors.1 This is just one of many new studies and patents that show a decreased incidence of […]
Price it like it’s still illegal.
Agricultural economics are described as the “production, distribution and consumption of [agricultural goods and services” [1], We find ourselves today at an interesting junction in the Cannabis industry both here in Canada and abroad. The march of progress ticks along with states legalizing, medical marijuana being featured nightly in mainstream media, and the creation […]
Hemp Farming Back in the USA
Plant rooting itself in American industry one again By Diane Walsh Solid political support behind optimistic Congressional bills in the U.S. House and Senate and the “Farm Bill,” along the successful initiatives in two states (Washington and Colorado) legalizing marijuana, spells game change. California has taken the lead in looking to register industrial hemp farmers. […]
No Hemp Yet?
DEA still fighting hemp production By Diane Walsh The US Drug Enforcement Agency’s ability to rely on the Controlled Substance Act, (defining marijuana as a Schedule 1 heroin-level category drug, and for which no clear distinction between hemp and marijuana exits) is what allows the DEA to obstruct the proliferation of hemp farming across the […]
Top Ten U.S. Drug Policy Stories of 2012
Landmark year for cannabis reform In some ways, 2012 has been a year of dramatic, exciting change in drug policy, as the edifice of global drug prohibition appears to crumble before our eyes. In other ways it is still business as usual in the drug war. Marijuana prohibition is now mortally wounded, but there were […]