Ted Smith
These are exciting times for those of us who have been working hard over the years to bring Hempology 101 to fruition. The transformation of our newsletter turning into this newspaper is one of many proj- ects that our group is involved with. Estab- lishing Cannabis Digest as a leading canna- bis publication will give the International Hempology 101 Society an opportunity to educate and activate the public on a whole new level. Whether it is mandatory minimum sentences, important court cases, changes to the Marijuana Medical Access Regulations, advancements in science, current events or profiling those trying to help liberate this herb. This new expanded format will help us bring important in- formation to cannabis consumers, build- ing networks between businesses, activists, and enthusiasts. Indeed, these are exciting times for the cannabis world.
In my 14 years of activism, I have never felt so much momentum towards le- galization. Though we are struggling with federal politicians in Canada, many posi- tive activities are still happening across the country. On the other hand, the changes we are witnessing in the U.S. are unprec- edented, and momentum towards legaliza- tion in that country seems closer with every day. With international agreements clearly stating that medicinal use and research of cannabis is permitted, people all around the world are using this plant as an integral part of their daily health regime. Hemp milk and other hemp products we only dreamed of years ago are now available in most stores in Canada. With so many products being produced worldwide, we have already begun collecting for a hemp museum that we hope to one day have at our home base in Victoria.
This newspaper is one of a num- ber of projects that will help take our grass roots style to new heights. For example, I have been working on a textbook for Hempology 101 since 1995, and this could be the year it will finally be available in stores. The newspaper will help us sell our own products, and highlight progressive cannabis enterprises, on-line and in print. Cannabis Digest will provide assistance to businesses and entrepreneurs—in the form of web-pages, YouTube videos, and print advertising—who want to promote prod- ucts, sales, anniversaries, and other pro- motional events. Helping cannabis-friendly businesses prosper is critical. People vote with their money. Every dollar you spend supports the politics of the person or busi- ness you are dealing with. By highlighting alternatives to corporate goods and ser- vices, we are giving cannabis consumers an opportunity to support companies that support Hempology 101 and the Cannabis Buyers’ Clubs of Canada.
As we expand beyond Victoria, Cannabis Digest will strive to focus on cre- ating connections with environmentally friendly, socially conscious businesses that treat employees and customers with respect and concern. If you like what you are read- ing, buy stuff from people and businesses you see in this paper and tell them you appreciate the fact they support Cannabis Digest. Helping us find new advertisers is another excellent way of building commu- nity around this publication, and provide exposure to cannabis-friendly enterprises while maintaining, if not increasing, our distribution levels.
Cannabis has the potential to help humanity deal with many current and fu- ture problems. Integrating hemp foods, medicines, building materials, etc., into our bodies, environment, and economy is not as difficult as it sounds. It begins with eating hemp hearts and the occasional pot cookie. After all, you are what you eat. Don’t worry, we are here to help the Cannabis Digest.