Cannabis Activists Working Together; Decarboxylation; M.U.M.M. and more from the Cannabis Digest this week November 8th – 14th, 2014
with Owen Smith
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Nov 8th
Debbie Stultz-Giffin
Debbie Stultz-Giffin tells the story of M.U.M.M. Maritimers Unite for Medical Marijuana
Medical Marijuana in the Maritimes – Cannabis Digest
Nov 10th
Judith Stamps
“This is a unique time for public education on cannabis. The movements toward legalization have achieved more in the past 2 years than in the previous forty”
A Rant from the Cannabis Digest Editor – Cannabis Digest
Nov 11th
By Blair Hedley
John Anderson, a professor of Criminology at Vancouver Island University, was recently made the Nanaimo area speaker for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Nanaimo Criminology Professor Explains LEAP – Cannabis Digest
Nov 12th
Ted Smith
One of the dilemmas in the cannabis movement has been the tension that is occasionally felt between medical and recreational cannabis users. We must learn to work together more often if we want to see change happen.
The Cannabis Movement Must Work Together – Cannabis Digest
Nov 13th
Owen Smith
The decarboxylation process can be performed before the creation of any medicinal cannabis product to maximize the presence of active medicinal ingredients.
Cannabis Baker Basics: Decarboxylation – Cannabis Digest
Nov 14th
Dean Schwind
Racial equality, gay rights, and cannabis reform are three major social concepts that have shifted 360 degrees in perception during the course of my lifetime.
The Benefits of Activism – Cannabis Digest